Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Guns of Chicago

Gang violence escalates in Chicago as the weather gets warmer. Many young people senselessly lose their lives as victims of gang warfare. Political activists use these tragic events to push for even stricter gun control laws.  Read Article. (Article opens new window.)

Don't forget to check out my new blog: Lunt's World

Categories: guns, gun control, Chicago, gangs

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Imagine Having Four Extra Hours Per Day

In our crazy-busy society, we never have enough time in the day to accomplish what we want. Here's one way to get a lot of extra free time. All we have to do is make a very small sacrifice.
Read Article. (Article opens new window.)

Categories: tv time, television time, family, friends, community

Friday, July 06, 2007

My New Daily Blog

I've started a new blog. Check out Lunt's World.