Second Hand Smoke, A New Perspective

The take-no-prisoners war on smoking has been raging for several years. Local governments don't want to ban cigarettes entirely because of the revenues gained from taxing them. They've banned smoking in indoor public places, now they're hitting the outdoors. I don't smoke, so the fate of cigarettes will not affect me. I am worried that, when they've taken the issue as far as they can, they'll need to find something else to ban. Coffee, maybe?
The current argument to make the environment smoke-free, is to tell us how dangerous second hand smoke is? Frankly, I don't buy it. Here's my article containing my observations concerning smoking.
Read Article. (Article opens new window.)
Categories: Smoking,
Second Hand Smoke
theyve banned smoking here in restaurants where there was a smoking area.. thank god.. i cant stand the smell..
I'm not a smoker but I fear that this is part of a larger movement... the Nanny State Gone Wild. Soon they'll be harping about the foods we eat, the clothes we wear, gosh darnitt, it could spread to every sphere of our lives.
I too am not so stupid as to encourage a two pack a day habit as I witnessed the effects of smoking and drinking on my grandma....however...there are no figures...specific fguresthat tell us how many people have 'death by second hand smoke' on their death is a the non smoking market isn't interested in having you weaned from nicotine...ow many gums patches and 'groups' for quitting are available..alot of it sponsored by cigarette companies....why does philip morris want us to quit let's face a fact....nobody lives forever....somehtings gonna end your life...lung disease can't be a cool way to go but.....this is anotherstep a big motherism....the next group is going to be fat folks....somehow drinkers have gone unscathed....studys have come out and have been bashed becuase they didn't use the words sloth and gluttony when talking about the obesity many people actually died from second hand smoke....who are they...and how many are's a scam and it's been being promoted worldwide....if it is such an evil why hasn't tobacco made illegal....after all we all know how bad pot is for you...that's why we've been at war on pot for 80 years...think about how many people have died from smoking pot....the new up and coming crisis will be cell folks using cell phones for more than 10 years will develop tumors where the ear meets the brain...hey live and let die....
Nice Post.
It's my freedom to smoke and it's my bloody lungs! Let me decide for myself mister anonymous.
Vanessa.. one day they will take away something you care about.. and then you will cry.. but you will deserve it because you just let "them" control your personal life.
p.s good post. Nanny state is right.
When they come for the doughnuts, then we'll see some real outrage!
As a person with allergies and asthma, any level of secondhand smoke is too much for my health. Having smoking banned in so many public spaces allows me to actually go to them, when it used to be I couldn't. I'm looking forward to the day that smoking is banned outside my workplace's doorway - we have designated smoking areas, but no one actually follows that b/c there's no penalty if they don't. So I have to hold my breath every time I enter or leave my workplace.
This is definitely part of a larger movement to control our personal lives. To say "Thank God I can't stand the smell of smoke" is a show of ignorance.
Nice blog btw. I love the movie "Lost Horizon"
They'll probably ban blogs. They are hazardous to our mental health, you know!
What is really interesting is that every level of government passes these bans because they tell us they are concerned about people's health. But, when they need money for children's health they triple the taxes. These taxes may increaser revenue short term, but long term they decrease the number of smokers, which will eventually decrease the revenue. The only way these taxes could work would be to require everyone to buy a pack of smokes a week.
Government! Feh!
I discovered your blog by accident and am enjoying what you have to say. This smoking post touches a nerve for a recent quitter. In fact it has inspired my first post to my latest blog. (hope you don't mind being quoted).
Happy New Year! Thanks for the food for thought.
Your blog is very impressive but smocking is not good habit. If it is occasionaly then it ok.
Corporate Cars
hey nice stuff!
Your blog is very impressive but smocking is not good habit. If it is occasionaly then it ok. read more..
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