Friday, October 12, 2007

Big Brother and Your Car

In my recent article "1984 in the 21st Century," I failed to look at surveillance devices that involve your car. The combination of two technologies, EDR(Electronic Data Recorder) and GPS(Global Positioning System), can become useful tools for federal as well as local authorities to monitor and control you using the vehicle that you drive.

An Electronic Data Recorder is similar to an airplane "black box." Airplane recorders analyze data following a crash to help determine the causes for the crash. Simple data recorders are installed in every automobile having air bags to monitor for conditions requiring air bag deployment. Advanced boxes can record a number of things. They include the vehicle speed, the engine speed, whether the occupants were wearing seat belts, the acceleration, and 38 other points of data. The length that this data is kept can vary from seconds to months depending on the EDR's memory. Currently EDRs are used mainly to help determine the cause of accidents for police and insurance agencies. This is why the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wants advanced "black boxes" installed in every new vehicle starting in 2008.

Many new cars already come equipped with GPS. It can help guide you to an unfamiliar destination. When integrated with your vehicle's internal system, a remote controller can unlock your doors if you left your keys inside the car. If someone steals your car, it can turn off your engine leaving the thief stuck in the middle of the road. When you combine GPS with EDR technology you can monitor how safely your teen is driving and where he or she hangs out.

Certainly there are many benefits to both the GPS and EDR technology.

Once this technology is deployed in every car, it's just a matter of passing another state or federal law and it will wind up under government control. In the hands of a greedy corporate alien government this technology could drastically interfere with your lifestyle. Combining the speed reading from the EDR and the position from the GPS, the system can determine if you are exceeding the speed limit for a given location. If you are, a ticket could instantly be generated and sent or emailed to you. Or maybe, you were just getting some gas at a station a block away and you forgot to put on your seat belt. Too bad, your car sensed this violation and your ticket is on its way.

What is even scarier is that your car will tell the government exactly where you are. One day as you are taking a leisurely drive, your car could begin talking to you with a calm, gentle female voice. It could deliver a message like this:

Attention Please! Your vehicle's engine will turn off in 60 seconds. Please pull to the side of the road. A Homeland Security Officer will join you shortly to interrogate you regarding case number 534679800. Thank you for your cooperation.
Listen ...

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At 7:33 PM, Blogger Pennsylvania Independent said...

This is another example of how Government will take control of your live. They take things like this, that are meant to help someone that travels and take it to their advantage. An advanatage to spy and manipulate, this is one of many reasons that I am supporting Ron Paul in 2008.


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