Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Disrespecting Technology Workers

Over the years corporations have grown to heavily rely on technology. But management still abuses their highly skilled technology workers. Read more....      (Article opens new window.)

Categories: Worker Abuse, Corporate Aliens, Technology

Monday, January 16, 2006

Socialist Public Schools in America

As the world gets more corporate, our society begins to resemble the former Soviet Union. This is especially apparent when we analyze how the public schools are run in the United States. I found an article that compares US public schools with communist schools. Read more....
(Article opens new window.)

Socialism, Public Schools

Monday, January 09, 2006

Working for Corporate Aliens

TPS Reports

Working for Corporate Aliens can be a really challenging experience. Here are some tips on how to survive and keep your sanity.
Read more....      (Article opens new window.)

Categories: Corporate Aliens, Workplace

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Traffic Cameras

Ten years ago there were very few surveillance cameras sprinkled throughout our streets and highways. This article deals with cameras used for traffic surveillance and control. I classify traffic cameras into three types: traffic monitoring, red light, and speed control cameras. Read more....      (Article opens new window.)

Categories: Surveillance, Traffic