Sigmund Freud's Nephew and Corporate Alien Control
Today's corporate alien governments and corporations control us through "public relations" in the media. One of the first architects of control of the masses was Edward L. Bernays, Sigmund Freud's nephew. Even Hitler's propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, kept Bernay's books in his library. Read more...
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Categories: Spin, Public Relations, Edward L Bernays, Corporate Aliens
I'm not a big fan of sigmond.
just wanted to say that I am here from Blogmad surfing and your blog is an interesting discover. I'll be back. A hug by an italian girl :)
interesting freudian connection. funny how people thought of as rational then and now the stupidity of humans is often used by marketers to sell their junk. this guy changrd american culture. how do we change it back? how do we break american dependence on commodities?
Class Warfare anyone?
It's so sad that someone makes a blog detailing their inner struggles with their own failure to succeed in life and the pain associated with their jealousy and envy of those more successful than themselves.
Funny how the "corporations are evil" people still deal with corporations every day of their life, do things to support them on a daily basis, and can't understand for the life of them why these damned corporations make for the largest economy on Earth.
Come on man...tell us you don't work for one! Please!
I am on a fact finding mission and thankfully found you through google. You might say its a fight fire with fire mission. There are those that believe psychology is a SATANIC Religion! I am inclined to agree. God knows the pharmaceutical industry is on its own propaganda mission. Or is everyone really mentally ill and in need of some sort of medicine?
I think Freud is burning is his home made hell!
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